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Below is an archive of resouces made available through donations from  members of the San community, as well as professional anthropologists  and linguists working with the San people. To suggest or donate a new  resource, please contact us here.
Ju/’hoan Folktales: Transcriptions and English Translations

This Ju|'hoan-language literacy  primer has been produced by the  Ju|'hoan Transcription Group,  active since 2002 in Nyae Nyae,  Namibia. The members of the  Transcription Group, all Ju|'hoan  men and women, transcribed and  translated versions of Ju|'hoan  folktales recorded in Botswana  and Namibia between 1971 and  2006, to prepare the selections  for the primer.


Meant as literacy  study materials for youth and  adults of the Ju|'hoan  communities of both countries,  the fourteen selected tales are  arranged in order of increasing  length and complexity. The tales  are not compilations from  various versions, but faithful  renderings of specific recordings.  They are accompanied by both  literal, line-by-line English  translations and short English  synopses


$15 plus shipping & handling

The 'Music of the Kalahari San'  CD features San healing songs  featuring voices, instruments, and  drums. The CD has 18 tracks and  is 70 minutes in length.


All proceeds are returned to the  San Communities in which the  Kalahari Peoples Fund serves.


$15 plus shipping & handling

The Ju/'hoan San of Nyae Nyae and Namibian Independence: Development, Democracy, and Indigenous Voices in Southern Africa

The Ju/'hoan San, or Ju/'hoansi,  of Namibia and Botswana are  perhaps the most fully described  indigenous people in all of  anthropology. This is the story of  how this group of former hunter-gatherers, speaking an exotic click language, formed a grassroots movement that led them to bcome a dynamic part  of the new nation that grew from  the ashes of apartheid Southwest Africa.


While coverage of this group in the writings of Richard Lee, Lorna Marshall, Elizabeth  Marshall Thomas, and films by John Marshall includes extensive information on their traditional  ways of life, this book continues  the story as it has unfolded since 1990.


Peopled with accounts of and from contemporary Ju/'hoan people, the book gives newly-literate Ju/'hoansi the chance to  address the world with their own voices. In doing so, the images and myths of the Ju/'hoan and other San (previously called  Bushmen") as either noble savages or helpless victims are discredited.


This important book demonstrates the responsiveness of current anthropological  advocacy to the aspirations of one of the best-known indigenous societies.

Indigenous Peoples Support Organizations in Southern Africa

Botswana Khwedom Council (BKC)
Keikabile Mogodu Mogodu, Director,
Tel:  (267) 310 5456, (267) 74507867


DITSHWANELO, The Botswana Center for Human Rights
Private Bag 00146, Gaborone, Botswana
Alice Mogwe, Director,,
Tel:  (267) 306998,  Fax:  (267) 307778


Division of Marginalised Communities (DMC)
Office of the President, Kenya House, Windhoek, Namibia
Contacts:  Hon. Royal J. K. /Ui/o/o,
Gerson Kamatuka,
Tel:  (264) 81 1404154 2963110, (264) 81 1242949


First People of the Kalahari (FPK)
P.O. Box 173, Ghanzi, Botswana
Website:  www.iwant2gohome
E-mail care of Jumanda Gakelabone,
Tel:  (267) 7183 0665


Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC)
P.O. Box 106, Newlands 7725, South Africa
Tel/Fax:  27 (0) 21-686-0193 


Kalahari Wildlands Trust (KWT)
P.O. Box HA 70 HAK, Maun, Botswana
Arthur Albertson,
Tel:  +267-716-17600/739-59383.


!Khwa ttu:  The San Culture and Education Center
P.O. Box 348, Yzerfontein 7351 Western Cape, South Africa

Tel:  (27) (0)22-492-2998,  FAX:  (27) (0)22-492-3566


Kuru Family of Organizations (KFO)
P.O. Box 219, Ghanzi, Botswana
Training Center:

Art project:, E-mail:

Tel:  (267) 659 6102,  FAX:  (267) 596285,


Legal Assistance Centre (LAC)
Land, Environment and Development Project
4 Marien Ngouabi Street, Windhoek,

Website:, E-mail:


Tel:  +264 61 223356,  Fax:  061-234953


Natural Justice

63 Hout Street, Mercantile Building, Cape Town 8000, South Africa

Website:, E-mail:

Tel/Fax:  (27) 21 426 1633


Nyae Nyae Development Foundation of Namibia (NNDFN), Nyae Nyae Conservancy (NNC), and N≠a Jaqna Conservancy (NJC)

P.O. Box 9026, Windhoek, Namibia


Tel:  (264) 61-236327,  Fax:  (264) 61-225997


Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA)
Indigenous Peoples Rights Program, APM Economic Justice
1st Floor, President Place, 1 Hood Avenue / 148 Jan Smuts Avenue, Rosebank,

Johannesburg 2196 and P.O Box 678, Wits 2050, South Africa

Attention:  Nonkyleleko Buthelezi, Director


Tel:  +27 (0) 11 587 5000,  Fax:  +27 (0) 11 587 5099


San Research Centre

Research and Development Office, University of Botswana, Private Bag 00703, Gaborone, Botswana

Contact:  Maitseo Bolaane, Director,

Tel:  (267) 355-5034


San Youth Network (SyNet)

Xukuri Xukuri, P.O. Box 1288, Ghanzi, Botswana

Contact:  Job Morris,, Cell: +267 74196559/+267 76847828, Skype: jobjfmorris Website:




South African San Institute (SASI)

7 Devon Road, Lakeside, Cape Town, South Africa

P.O. Box 12995, Mowbray 7705, Cape Town, South Africa



Tel:  +27 (0)21 709 0807,  Fax:  (27) 21-685 4223



Tsoro-o-tso San Development Trust (TSDT)

2219 Cowdry Park, PO Luveve, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Contact:  Davy Ndlovu,

Tel:  263 677 365 9023,  Cell:  +263 0773 659 023 and 0715 652 611.

© 2024 by Kalahari Peoples Fund

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